That's taking the long way火車睜開一段漫長的路程
本曲歌詞I know every crack in these dirty sidewalks of Broadway where hustle is the name of the game=我知道繁忙是這遊戲之名字的百老匯之骯髒的人行道上的每一個隙縫,但不如將此長句子在地點的關係代名詞之where處砍斷,而翻譯成「百老匯骯髒的人行道上的每個隙縫我都一覽無余,在百老匯忙碌是這遊戲的名字」,翻譯的技能有時相當主要翻譯
But I'm gonna be where the lights are shining on me但我將會到燈光正晖映在我身上的處所
Riding out on a horse in a star spangled rodeo在佈滿星條的美國國旗之牛仔競技場騎馬出場
And I dream of the thing I'll do而我仍然胡想著我將要去做的事
作曲: Larry Weiss
第一影片(Glen Campbell演唱)提供者:Alone heart
There's been a load of compromising在邁向我的地平線之路上
On the road to my horizon 一向都有大量的讓步(倒裝句)
On the road to my horizon 一直都有大量的讓步(倒裝句)
I know every crack in these dirty sidewalks of Broadway百老匯骯髒的人行道上的每一個隙縫我都一覽無余
wash away=沖走;a load of=大量的;in a star spangled rodeo=在佈滿星條的美國國旗之牛仔競技場,star spangled是佈滿星星之意 指的是滿佈星條的美國國旗,rodeo是牛仔競技場;offer=邀約、出價、供給;a subway token=一個地下鐵的代幣;tuck =塞入
Getting cards and letters from people I don't even know收到我乃至不熟悉的人們寄來的卡片和信件
Riding out on a horse in a star spangled rodeo在佈滿星條的美國國旗之牛仔競技場騎馬進場
I've been walking these streets so long我已一向在這些街道上走了很久
Like a rhinestone cowboy像個萊茵假鑽石牛仔
And offers coming over the phone和透過德律風而來的各類邀約
Rhinestone cowboy萊茵假鑽石牛仔
Singing the same old song唱著同一首老歌
And nice guys get washed away like the snow and the rain大好人們像雨雪般被沖走了
Rhinestone cowboy
Like a rhinestone cowboy像個萊茵假鑽石牛仔
Getting cards and letters from people I don't even know收到我乃至不認識的人們寄來的卡片和信件
Where hustle is the name of the game在百老匯勞碌是這遊戲的名字
作詞: Larry Weiss
But you're down when you're riding a train但在妳正搭乘火車的時候妳已南下
There'll be a load of compromising在邁向我的地平線之路上
Glen Campbell的英文歌─Rhinestone cowboy─萊茵假鑽石牛仔+歌詞+中譯翻譯+英文進修
And offers coming over the phone和透過德律風而來的各類邀約
And a smile can hide all the pain而笑臉可以粉飾所有的痛苦
原唱: Glen Campbell
Well I really don't mind the rain唉呀 我真的不在意雨水
Like a rhinestone cowboy像個萊茵假鑽石牛仔
刊行: 1975
Getting cards and letters from people I don't even know收到我乃至不認識的人們寄來的卡片和信件
Like a rhinestone cowboy像個萊茵假鑽石牛仔
Like a rhinestone cowboy像個萊茵假鑽石牛仔
Riding out on a horse in a star spangled rodeo在佈滿星條的美國國旗之牛仔競技場騎馬進場
With a subway token and a dollar tucked inside my shoe帶著地下鐵的代幣 並塞一塊錢到鞋子裏
But I'm gonna be where the lights are shining on me但我將會到燈光正晖映在我身上的處所